Tales from Abroad by Omiya -an account of my life in Japan-

Monday, April 10, 2006

Only one day left!

*phew* I can hardly believe that there is only one day of school remaining! This semester has gone by like...a dog on skiis...yes..*insert more appropriate metaphor here*. One minute I am starting my job as a CLM, meeting the new international students, and bathing in the warm sunshine of mid-September, and now I am already thinking about work, travel and my third year about a time slip. Actually, what is really weird is that the end of my second year somehow feels like a very important marker in my life. Up to this point, all of the people I've befriended have been a good two years+ older than me and are perfectly adjusted to the university way of life, making me a bit like the proverbial lamb being led to the slaughter while all the other sheep surround me and laugh. ( it wasn't that bad...but I certainly felt that way at times.) Now that I am on my way to being a senior, most of my friends are graduating (suckers..heh) and I find that my social circle is starting to consist of people a good deal younger than me. In this sense, I am kind of glad to be leaving for Japan now - namely because if I had left in my second year, I never would have been able to solidify all of the good friendships I have now, nor would I have been able to introduce myself to the newcomers this year and have some friends waiting for me when I get back. I know it all sounds very philosophical but it amazes me how my life seems to be cut up into these perfect, logical chunks. Is the rest of my life going to be this way, I wonder...

In other news, Trin has decided to come down for the Easter weekend so I hope to have a few things planned for her visit. Unfortunately, there isn't really much to do in London (or else, I have been totally sheltered from its attractions for the past two years). It's better than Newmarket but you can't really do something without costing yourself an arm and a leg. Anyway, I'll figure something out - a campus tour, Easter dinner, and a trip downtown should suffice!

What else...I have a couple of exams coming up as well. The Phonology exam I had a week ago, I can honestly say I bombed. Our prof is a little bit nuts and would obviously rather be cleaning up horse poop than teaching our class - I can only assume that this exam was the culmination of her wrath. Either way, my final mark before the exam wasn't too shabby so I should pull off what I need for the exchange. Linguistics is another exam I am worried about simply because of the vast amount of content we have to cover compounded by the fact that my homework marks haven't been too hot. (I am procrastinating for that exam as we speak!) The last one is Earth Science but that course is directed toward arts students anyway so I'm not fretting over it a whole lot. So yeah, I'd say that overall, I am better off than most. And I refuse to complain since most of you have five exams and would kick my butt if I did complain....><>


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