Tales from Abroad by Omiya -an account of my life in Japan-

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

School Pranks - A Mistake From The Start

I know Amethyst2525 has already covered this in her blog, but I had to add my two cents. Today I discovered something that disgusted me to no end. As tradition goes, it is expected that every graduating high school class (in N--t at least) come up with a harmless school prank as a way of saying goodbye. When I graduated, the prank was to bring large barrels of hay and place it all around the school so that no one could get inside. This was so-so funny and relatively harmless, though it took a while to clean up, and annoyed the hell out of anyone who hadn't been involved...but all the same, it was cleaned up within an hour and we were able to return to class for a normal school day. My brother's graduating class of 2006, on the other hand, took it way more than few steps too far. According to him, each little clique in his grade had their own idea of what a "good" prank would be. As a result, the prank was completely uncoordinated and the school was absolutely trashed beyond recognition. Some groups took to spray painting racist remarks on walls directed at specific teachers, and others decided to cover everything with Saran wrap and defecate all over the building. The school yard was torn up by tire marks left after a group of kids decided to do wheelies, and the grass was covered in gasoline which thankfully was never set alight. Some of the less disgusting (but only slightly) pranks included setting up alarm clocks all over the school, spreading vaseline on the door handles, and breaking an $1000 manikin in the health department.

My comment is: Why on earth was this allowed to happen in the first place? The police know that pranks occur around this time of year. Why weren't they prepared? Or is behaviour like this accepted because it's considered just "kids having a bit of fun." Well, I have news for you. These are not kids. These are adults with the brains of kids because they cannot be trusted with the freedom which they are given. We give them one step, they take three. This is just as much the fault of the parents, teacher and janitors as it is the students. They say that from this point on, pranks will no longer be allowed at my brother's school. Well, good job. Too bad you didn't make that decision before this event happened. After all, the only consequence has been the hurt feelings of a few wonderful teachers, and a handful of students who probably hated being at school already anyways. I congratulate you all. As they say, hindsight is 20/20.


At 7:10 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I made a link to your blog! Since you had a slightly different perspective (thanks to your brother lol) than I did. =)

At 8:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

My cousin was the one who put vaseline on the doorhandles.

I didn't think that was the worst of it, I sort of thought that was funny. Obviously they knew they had to do the clean-up. He also agreed that the rest of it went too far, and he wasn't involved in the spraypainting or other stuff. Just the vaseline thing.

But yeah, stupid high school idiots. They're so ridiculous, I don't even know how they thought it would be "funny" or a "good idea" to be so destructive.

At 10:42 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Putting vaseline on the door handles isn't even funny (lol no offense meant XD) it's just kind of like "ew gross.. oh it's just vaseline." *wipes hands*

The purpose of a prank is not to make a mess or destroy stuff.. it's to postpone a day of school. Hay in front of the doors? Took hours to get it all put away. Desks in the halls? No one got to class on time.. and that was the point.

What they were missing was coordination.

At 4:54 p.m., Blogger heather-in-italia said...

Oh, sorry Steph! lol.. Well, I think pranks are stupid no matter what they are (the pranks my brother pulled included - he apparently threw bird seed all over the place in the hopes that the birds would make a mess of the school (??) geez..). I guess I am a little bit stiff and rigid in that way ^^ Anyway, I think we can all agree that this could have been done much more tastefully.

At 6:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...




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