Tales from Abroad by Omiya -an account of my life in Japan-

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Rule #1: Never, Ever Buy Clothes Over 10 Dollars

Wouldn't you know that the Great Canadian Heat Spell has followed me all the way from Ontario to Cardiff! The last two days I have spent with my cousins Pam and Darren have been absolute scorchers, a real oddity for this country since the temperature rarely goes above the low twenties. Other than that and the horrific cold I have developed, I have been having a cracking time and am finding the change of scenery/company most refreshing.

I arrived at around 2:30 yesterday after a two hour train ride from Burmingham New Street. Across from me on the train, I was fascinated by a nice looking German guy about my age who must have been writing a novel judging from the 10 pages he completed within the time it took to get from point A to B. My guess was that he was taking his inspiration from the beautiful scenery that engulfed our little train as it chugged through the hilly English countryside. (I would have gone up to ask him what he was doing if I had just had the nerve! :P) He was just one of the many tourists that filled the train, each with a massive suitcase and a funny accent to match. When I arrived, I ran to make a phone call to Darren who had promised to give me directions as to what to do once I arrived. He told me that Pam was on her way and that I was to wait for her at the station. I was then I was approched by what seemed to be a desperate mother and daughter who claimed to be in need of 30 p to make a phonecall. Me being the silly twat that I am handed over a pound since I didn't have the change, and was stunned to watch after I had walked away that the same blasted pair was approaching every person at the station asking the same question! I bet they easily made 100 pounds that day, and I would have reported them if I hadn't had got my revenge in a more subtle way. You see, when Pam arrived, they had the nerve to ask her for money even though I was standing right beside her, and I made sure to drag Pam away and give them the dirtiest look possible as we walked out the station door. (Hah hah...)

The night was spent at a beautiful little Italian restaurant owned by Darren's friend Adriano. I had a pizza with anchovies, garlic, olives, and cheese, and it was absolutely divine. Unfortunately, I made myself quite sick after only a glass of wine. Apparently sinus colds and wine are the perfect mixture for getting tizzy. Not to mention that I was busting to the seams after eating a wonderful lemon cheesecake for dessert. Tomorrow is Darren's (who is an AMAZING cook) specialty sheppard's pie; I can hardly wait!

Today was also a wonderful day. Since Pam was expecting an oven delivery, she had arranged to take the day off work, but luckily enough, the delivers just happened to be in the area and dropped it off yesterday leaving the entire day free for us to explore Cardiff together. She took me to a discount clothes store called Primark which had the latest British/Welsh fashions at extremely low prices. I went in thinking that I wouldn't find a thing being the penny pincher that I am, and came out 50 dollars poorer with five different summer outfits! Mind you, if I were in Canada, I would have probably ended up spending a load of money on new things in preparation for my exchange anyway, so I can't feel guilty. The only problem is getting everything back in one suitcase! Afterwards, to escape the midday heat, we stopped at a cafe first, and then spent a good two hours in the Hard Rock Cafe where I was spoilt once again to Sex On The Beach (a drink, it's a drink!!) and a Hurricane that cost....wait for it....20 dollars! But never fear, a souvineer glass was included; a smashing present from Pam. And that brings us to now, sitting at home listening to Status Quo* and drinking tea, all the while trying to stay out of the heat.

*Pam is their number one fan and follows them all over the world, and has even been asked out for a drink by their guitarist Rick Parfitt!

I am also very impressed by the city of Cardiff itself. In terms of layout, it isn't much different to the grid design of Toronto, making it very easy to maneuver, and was built around the same time. An unusual fact about Cardiff is that the oldest parts of the city exist around the perifere as opposed to the centre since Cardiff was established in an area without much of a settlement, and spread outwards to incorporate all of the surrounding villages and counties. A few attractions include Cardiff Castle which I will be visiting tomorrow, the Taff River, the football statium where many British games are held, and Charlotte Church's parent's hotel and pub.


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