Tales from Abroad by Omiya -an account of my life in Japan-

Monday, April 17, 2006

Little blurb about my nickname

I stole this from my friend Steph's Livejournal because it looked kind of funky. Many people often ask about (or snicker) at my username so I'm here to explain why it is the way it is!

1) Write a little paragraph about your username, why you chose it, what it means to you, etc.

I have two usernames which I use quite frequently, one being tokyonights7 and the other, omiya7. Both come from song names (Tokyo Nights by the Bee Gees and Omiya Sunset by Spitz), although the former I pretty much desperately searched for through my list of 1000 odd songs as a way to get rid of my old username, while the latter came as a burst of inspiration after listening to the song a billion times in rez. I chose the 7 because it seems to represent a certain kind of luckiness that no other number has...and I know I'm not just imagining it because 7 is probably the most popular number found in usernames!

2) What would you change your username to, if you were changing it?

If I could, I would probably ditch tokyonights7 and keep omiya7, or change it to the full form, omiya_sunset7. One of the reasons? Funny story... About 3 months ago, I logged onto a school computer and forgot to check "do not save email address" under my preferences. After I got off the computer, two valley girls came waltzing up to the PC and began to make fun of my name! Things like (in the valley girl accent) "this person must, like, really get up to some crazy shit at night," "bet he/she's a clubber," and many other far more grotesque things I would prefer not to post here. :P I never knew that such an inncent looking nickname could provoke such rude talk...and little did they know that the entire time I was chuckling under my breath right beside them. :-) Ohhh the irony~~

3) What is your favorite username?

I dunno...hobo_nick? Haha...xanderstrasz is pretty cool too though.

4) Now, tag five other unfortunates whose usernames you would like to hear about:



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