Let's Go To The Ex!
My goodness, never have I been to Toronto so many times in one week! The first time was simply a stopover on the way back from London, but I also went down a second time to pick up my Japanese visa with Trin, and a third today with Nick, my brother, to see the Cat Show at the Toronto Exhibition, more fondly known to Torontonians as The Ex. I'll start with my second trip, just for the sake of order.
Originally, I had planned to make a brief trip back and forth on the GO bus to the Japanese consulate but seeing as it is 12 dollars for a round trip, it hardly seemed worth the money to go JUST for that sole purpose. So what was supposed to be a rushed and extremely over priced waste of time became a smashing day out with my best friend! We decided to make five stops starting at the Eatons Centre, working our way round in a loop to Funland, the Pickle Barrel restaurant, China Town, and finally a Japanese paper store. However, somehow along the way, despite having an extremely obvious landmark to guide us (a.k.a. the CN tower) and a very, very good map, we managed to go in completely the opposite direction, and ended up starting out day out in China Town and working backwards.
In China Town, Trin bought a belt from an elderly street vendor, and we both treated ourselves to a small bubble tea each - me with my watermelon and Trin with her lychee. The next stop, the Japanese paper store, was a very interesting place with decorated paper for all fathomable uses, as well as origami books, homemade boxes, books, bookmarks, and tea containers, boards for writing Japanese calligraphy, staplers that don't need staples, mini clothespins meant for clipping paper together...the list goes on! In the corner, they also had a table for people to try out origami. They even seemed to have a massive print shop in the backroom. Even without buying anything, one could get lost simply looking at all of the interesting things this store has to offer, and I'd like to go back again if I have the chance. The Eatons Centre was next, where Trin stocked up on paper for her final portfolio at school and chose some materials to design her resumes. I wasn't of much help but lent a hand where and when I could by giving her moral support when she looked at the rather extravagant bill. (Trin: I can't believe I spent THAT MUCH on paper! Heather: Don't worry! Money spent on succeeding at an interview is totally worth it since you will earn it all back after a day of work!) Finally, after a short stop at the arcade for a game of DDR, we went to the Pickle Barrel for supper. Both of us had wraps but with different fillings followed by a tiramisu afterwards, by which time we were both stuffed, tired and completely ready to go home. But we were completely satisfied nonetheless! Overall, I am glad I got to spend a proper day out with Trin since it will be a while before we can do that again,
Today was very similar except this time my travelling buddy was my brother. I had planned to see a Cat Show, being the unabashed cat enthusiast that I am, and Nick offered to keep me company, though I am sure he wasn't object to seeing the odd cat himself. (I know he secretly loves them! :P) We took tons of pictures of the cats on show, our favourites being the Maine Coon, a cat with a very long body and fluffy coat, the Lynx, resembling a real lynx of course, the Shark cat, and the Pug faced cats. I was astonished at how most of the cats had no objection to being flipped over by the leg and brushed all over. If that were either of my cats, I wouldn't have an arm or a brush to speak of - literally. We also bought a cat toy for our two to see if we can give them some exercise and slim them down a little - a false hope I am afraid, but worth a try. In the same building was a barn animal show as well, so we looked around and found some very ugly turkeys along with an ostrich, the first I have ever seen. It was a strange bird because its eyes look intelligent but it is obvious that its brain is very small. We were also surprised at, when seen up-close, just how unattractive it was as birds go. Either way, it was interesting to see the animals and worth the admission fee to the Ex. Afterwards, we charged to China Town (again!) to grab a meal at our favourite Chinese restaurant on Spadina. Though the food isn't overly cheap, the important thing is value for money. With about seven dollars, one can get a soup about three times the size of a large cereal bowl, and with eight, a full course meal packed with lots of good things like pork, noodles, and boc choi. For my starving brother, it was the perfect remedy. Finally, since Nick was feeling exhausted from getting only three hours of sleep, we went back to Union station where we saw three guys dressed up in hilarious pirate costumes. On the way over, we had seen a sign for a Pirate Convention so we assumed they had just come back from that. Or in Nick's words: "I hope for their sake they have just come back from the convention...!"So, as we waited, we saw the same three guys walk out of the main entrance at which time Nick yelled, in the complete silence of the station hallway, "YAR!" so that it echoed right through the halls. I laughed so hard that if I had been drinking milk, I am sure it would have come spewing out of my nose. I'm sure they heard but what can you expect when you walk around looking like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean?
Anyway, those were my two trips to Toronto. Life cannot possibly get more exciting than this. Haha.
Countdown till Japan: 10 days! Holy Camoli!
>Countdown till Japan: 10 days!
久しぶり!もちろん覚えてるよ!^^基町高校の友達のことをそんなに簡単に忘れられないからね (笑)その通りだよ!後9日日本にまた一年間の留学をすることになる。とても興奮で一杯!だが、今回は広島じゃなくて群馬県の田舎にある玉村町というとこです。しかも前と違って、日本語で行われてる講義を受けて、いい成績を取って合格する、というこの留学の一つの要求がある。楽しみにしているけど、自信がなくなる時もあるね。ともかくせっかくのチャンスだから頑張ってみる!
との、色々と大変そうだね。私が帰った後病気になったってことは知らなかった・・・早く良くなるといいですね。特発性大腿骨頭壊死症を調べてみて、Idiopathic Osteonecrosis of Femoral Headという英語なのに分からない訳が出てきたんだけど、サイトに書いてある説明から少し理解するようになった。そしてもっと分かりやすい名前、Chandler's Diseaseというのも書いてあった。よく聞かれると思うけど、とのは元気になったら、高校に戻って卒業できるのですか?それとも直接就職する予定なの。どちらの道を選んでも、とののコメントからしては、やる気で一杯だからきっと全てがなんとかなると思う。で、このブログって公開されているため、この話はメールで続けた方がいいんじゃないかと思うけど。もしメールを続けたいなら、tokyonights7@hotmail.comまでメールをくださいね。メールが来るのを楽しみにしています~^^お大事にね~
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