Please check out my new blog: SINGLE MULTILINGUAL
Well, now that my time in Japan has ended, I feel like it is time for a fresh start -- a new blog, a new name, and yes, a NEW language!
For the next 10 months, I will be working as an au pair in Italy for three children. My new blog, Single Multilingual, will detail my time there, as well as the joys and troubles I go through with regards to learning Italian, taking care of children, interacting with my host family, and adjusting to the culture of Italy. Of course, as the title of my blog suggests, I will not be solely dealing with all-Italian issues. Rather, I plan to take a broader approach by also talking about other languages, linguistics, and language programs I have tried and tested so that you, the reader, can make some informed decisions when it comes to picking and learning your language of preference!
So please, take some time out to take part in my adventures in Italia! >><<