Heather, The Manual Labourer Extraordinaire XD
Before I say anything I have to cure this insatiable urge to yell.....I'M FRIGGIN' DONE!! YEAHHH! .............phew. Now I can actually get down to blogging! Yes, I am finally done my second year - half way through my degree and hardly believing it. The exam was simple enough but I am glad I studied as much as I did. I actually lost a few of my lectures - probably accidentally thrown out with the rest of my recycled notes during a moment of pure elation at being finished - but it didn't matter as we had to choose only 6 questions out of 12 to answer. Sweet deal, I'm telling you. :-D
Being back in N--t feels the same as it always does - a little bit confining but comfortably familiar nonetheless. Hardcore N--teers may not believe me but I have noticed just recently that this town has a very distinct smell. Whenever I smell its smell, I literally forget the somewhat independent life I lead in L--n. Though try as I might to resist being thrown back into my public school/high school mentality, I always find myself reverting back to the small town girl I was before I went to university - just with a little more maturity and a few extra added experiences behind her. I wonder, is that a part of what growing up is? Being able to face your hometown with the attitude you developed outside of it? For instance, before going to university, I would have been scared shitless to take the local transit half way across town, apply for a job, take an aptitude test, and make my way back all alone. (The stomach pains from the stress probably would have killed me!) But today, when I went in for my interview, it was nothing. I felt nothing at all. Taking a bus? Pfffft....child's play. Politely advertising yourself to a grouchy old lady squeezed behind her oversized desk who has probably seen more desperate student applicants in the past week than I have seen in my entire life? Who cares! You see, it is this attitude I have managed to develop, and I am not only happy for myself but also for my poor family who can take comfort in the fact that the reluctant bird has finally decided to leave the nest. And isn't that what every parent wants!
So yeah...about the job. It looks like I am going to be in manual labour rather than tree planting for most of the summer. It is 40 hours a week at a wage higher than I what I was getting at Yogen Fruz so I hope I can save up enough spending money for Japan. I really hope that I will be working outside.....need to expose my poor body to the sunlight it has been deprived of for eight long months! In a couple of minutes, mum and I will be going to get some steel toed safety boots from the mall for my job. Apparently, they come in all fashions, including running shoe styled boots. How does that work? Doesn't sound overly safe to me.... :S
Oh, and one more thing! Tomorrow I am off to St. Louis, Missouri to see one of my best buds, Ayumi before she heads back to Japan after a two year long exchange! I can't wait to spend some time with her, see her university, meet her friends. She has come up to Canada twice within the past two years so now it is my turn to fork out the money and pay for the plane ticket so we can meet up, hehe. Since I will be in Gunma, it will be difficult to see her as she lives in Kyoto, but I will definitely make a point to visit. Not to mention that I will have other people to see as well since the six other exchange students will all be in Kyoto. :-) Anyway, for this reason I probably won't be updating over the weekend so expect me to be back on May 2nd!
PS: Enjoy my random photo of Animal~ I love that photo...he looks so hapless.
Hmm what kind of manual labour is this?
Have fun in St. Louis! ^_^
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