Tales from Abroad by Omiya -an account of my life in Japan-

Thursday, May 11, 2006

News from the recycling plant

I just got back from a somewhat tiring day at work and am relaxing in front of the computer until my favourite TV program, Eigo de Shabera Naito, comes on. The end of this week will mark two weeks of me coping with manual labour, and I'm pretty proud of myself! It helps that I have figured out a pretty effective regime for the day, consisting of one or two upbeat CD's for the morning's 5 hour shift, followed by an audio book, usually a mystery, to fill up the remaining 3 hours after lunch ends. I find that the mornings tend to go faster, probably because I'm not overly tired, and happy music always makes the time fly. I have also made a few "friends" on the job (if chain smoking, grubby, toothless men can be considered friends? just kidding...), including a lovely lady named Sandy who is getting married in January, "Toast" aka Chris who is probably only a few years older than me but never completed high school and loathes even the sound of the word "education," and a guy whose name I don't know but has a $9 video fine at the public library where my mum works. They incessantly like to tease me about my goodie-two-shoes nature (I don't smoke, drink excessively, eat and speak at the same time, swear, drink coffee, etc.) but seem to have embraced my presence all the same which is comforting being the only young, female university student on the premises. I also got my first pay check - $280 buckaroos - more than I would earn at Yogen Fruz over the course of four weeks! Yay! It really makes me happy because I feel like this time, I am really giving my dad a hand in financing the exchange. Pats on the back for me, hehe~~

What else? Hmmm...there was one semi-funny story from today. As I was working the assembly line, heaving heavy lumps of wet cardboard over my shoulder and listening to a climactic point in my audio book, I saw a brouchure go by for what else other college! I yelled down the line, "That's my college, everyone!" in the hopes that someone would scoop it up, but it was too late. The book had already fallen down the garbage shoot. I found a lot of irony in that incident - the college I have spent the past two years at, put so much of my life into, helplessly dragged to its death down a recycling shoot. :P

That's about it...I won't ramble on today. Hopefully this weekend doesn't shape up to be what the weather reports are predicting. We shall see!

PS: When sorting out garbage from recycling, do not, and I repeat DO NOT include the following in the recycling pile! Dirty diapers, sanitary napkins, trees, coat hangers, metal bars with sharp edges, bags of dirt, or pornography. It makes us workers sad and depressed! Thank you! :P


At 11:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heather.. how does one NOT talk with their mouth open? O.o

And.. pornography? Not even worth recycling huh =P I'm not even going to comment on that lol.

In any case, sounds like you're having a good time ~ cya at 5:30 tomorrow!


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